Lawyer for family law cases in Italy.

Lawyer for family law cases in Italy.

Lawyer for family law cases in Italy in an International Law Firm.

Thanks to the experience of professionals specialized in family law in Italy, provides top-level legal advice and assistance in this thematic area.

If you want to receive legal advice and assistance in family law cases in all italian cities, contact us here or send a mail to

What does the family represent in Italy?

The family, as required by the Constitutional Charter to the art. 2, is the main social formation in which man develops his personality and is protected in all its forms by the rules of the Italian legal system as well as by the international conventions signed by the representatives of the State.

With the words “family law” we mean the norms that have as their object all the juridical relationships that refer to the people who constitute, according to the laws of the Italian law, a family.

What are our areas of practice in family law?

With regard to the field of family law, the legal assistance of our italian firm is assured:

What does the Italian penal code provide?

Crimes against the family (or against the person) are provided for by the penal code and may concern the violation of the obligations of family assistance, abuse of correction and means of discipline, mistreatment in the family or against cohabitants, failure to pay food, stalking (persecutory acts), child abduction, also international, abduction of incapable persons.

As part of a criminal proceeding for the commission of the aforementioned crimes, we assure the defense accused for the crimes of family law.

Our law firm provides assistance in cases of separation and divorce in all italian cities.

If you want to receive legal advice and assistance on family law in Italy, contact us here or write to the following email address: