Why should you choose Avvocato Penalista Internazionale H24?
The constant updating of our international lawyers allows us to provide clients with adequate answers to any problem concerning the legal sector with specific reference to the international one. We deal with delicate cases every day where the interests at stake are high (think of the freedom of a person unjustly arrested).
In fact, the law firm Avvocato Penalista H24 has valid professionals who deal specifically with national and international law in order to guarantee the protection of the interests of its clients before any judicial authority.
We are immediately available as we place the interests of our client at the center of our legal activity. Our professionals speak English, French and Spanish. This allows us to face any legal problem in the national and international territory.
Our professionals

Vincenzo Ezio Esposito, Attorney
Vincenzo ‘Ezio’ Esposito graduated in Law in 2011 at the ‘University of Salerno’ with full marks and is enrolled in the Board of the Torre Annunziata Bar Association.
He has achieved specific academic awards in the subjects of substantive and procedural criminal law where his professional skills stand out.
He is the author of doctrinal juridical articles published in the most important national and international specialized legal journals, as well as a comment on arts. 606 cod. proc. pen. and following on the appeal to the Supreme Court, currently being published.
As a member of the board of directors, in 2016 he was a member of the Unione Giovani Criminalisti Association, where he studied some comparative profiles on crimes in the context of supranational legal systems.
He presented and participated in numerous seminars of legal interest where he gave lectures on the issues of criminal procedure.
During his career he has gained extensive experience in the following thematic areas: extradition and European arrest warrant, drug law (international drug trafficking), mafia-type criminal association, tax crimes, ‘white collar crimes’, financial crimes.
He has carried out important collaborations with national and internationally renowned law firms. Among others, the collaborations with the lawyer Leopoldo Perone and the lawyer Antonio Rizzo, with the lawyer Alexandro Maria Tirelli of International Lawyers Associates are mentioned. He has dealt with extradition cases, European arrest warrant, drafted appeals to the European Court of Human Rights and appeals to the Supreme Court of Cassation.
The foreign languages known and spoken are English, French (where he obtained the “Delf” certification – French language diploma at the Grenoble Institute of Naples) and Spanish.
Training and Experiences
- Degree in Law from the Università degli Studi di Salerno
- Association Unione Giovani Penalisti
Practice areas
- Extradition and European Warrant and Arrest
- Narcotics Act (international drug trafficking)
- Mafia-type criminal association
- Tax Offenses
- White Collar Crimes
- Financial crimes
- Attorney Leopoldo Perone
- Attorney Antonio Rizzo
- Attorney Alexandro Maria Tirelli of International Lawyers Associates
- Drafted appeals to the European Court of Human Rights
- Appeals to the Supreme Court of Cassation
- Italian
- English
- French
- Spanish

Bernardo Brancaccio, Attorney
The lawyer Bernardo Brancaccio, advocate before the Higher Jurisdictions, is one of the best known and most appreciated criminal lawyers in the Neapolitan area. For years president of the criminal lawyers of the Criminal Chamber of Torre Annunziata, he has a well-rounded professional experience, having taken part in the most important and significant trials of both organized crime and common crime, as well as crimes against the public administration by so-called “white-collar workers”.
He is currently president of the Pompeii Club of Rotary International, one of the most prestigious world organizations of solidarity, development of peace and friendship among peoples.
He also had qualified political experiences having been Mayor of a Vesuvian municipality several times, provincial councilor of Naples, vice president of an important Neapolitan ASL.
As proof of his training also in the administrative field he obtained, after graduating in law, a master in planning and management of the territory at the FOR MEZ in Naples, subsequently specializing in the 80s at the Politecnico di Milano.
In this capacity he was a member of the Regional Technical Committee for the evaluation of municipal regulatory plans and secretary of the legal section of the Scientific Technical Committee, a high consultancy body of the Campania Region.
During his long professional career he has taken part, also as a speaker, in the most important scientific sympioses in the field of criminal law and procedure.
He is currently professor of criminal matters at the legal training school at the Council of the Order of Torre Annunziata.
He was a member of the commission for the qualifying examination for the profession of lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Naples.
Training and Experiences
- Degree in Law from the Università degli Studi di Napoli, Federico II
- Enrollment in the Register of Lawyers at the Council of the Bar Association of Torre Annunziata
- President of the Criminal Chamber of Torre Annunziata
- President of the Rotary Club of Pompeii
Practice areas
- Appeals before the Supreme Court of Cassation
- Narcotics Act (international drug trafficking)
- Mafia-type criminal association
- Tax Offenses
- Environmental and construction offenses
- White Collar Crimes
- Financial crimes
- Company law
- Attorney Guido Sciacca
- Drafted appeals to the European Court of Human Rights
- Appeals before the Supreme Court of Cassation
- Italian
- English
- French

Ismaele Brancaccio, Attorney
The lawyer Ismaele Brancaccio of the Torre Annunziata forum obtained in 2009, with full marks, a degree in law from the University of Turin with a degree thesis in sports administrative law entitled “strict liability in the practice of sports justice “Also taking exams in Spanish at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, during the university career.
Since 2009 he has begun to undertake constant professional collaboration activities at primary law firms operating in the criminal law sector within the entire national territory.
The constant will and ambition of the same to achieve a 360 ° legal preparation, with solid foundations also in civil, administrative and international law, led him, in the year 2012 to also achieve, following the attendance of a two-year course , the specialization diploma in legal subjects at the School of Specialization for the legal professions of the University of Naples Federico II.
Since 2015 he has also undertaken a collaborative activity, as a “scholar of the subject”, with the chair of Spanish Language and Legal Spanish at the University of Naples Federico II, Faculty of Law, with prof. M. Alonso Pimentel Garcia.
During his professional career he has developed solid and proven bases in the following subjects: organized crime, drug and drug trafficking, white collar crime, crimes against the Public Administration, illegal immigration crimes, crimes against property and against the person , participating personally in relevant national media coverage processes.
He has carried out important collaborations with national and internationally renowned law firms. Among others, the collaborations with the lawyer Antonio Del Vecchio, with the lawyer Alexandro Maria Tirelli of International Lawyers Associates are mentioned. He has dealt with extradition cases, European arrest warrant, drafted appeals to the European Court of Human Rights and appeals to the Supreme Court of Cassation.
The lawyer Ismaele Brancaccio speaks perfectly the Spanish language, the English language and the French language with a solid and proven basis even in Spanish law and legal Spanish.
Training and Experiences
- Degree in Law from the Università degli Studi di Torino
- School of specialization for the legal professions at theUniversità degli Studi di Napoli, Federico II
- Enrollment in the Register of Lawyers at the Council of the Bar Association of Torre Annunziata
- Collaboration with the chair of Law and Spanish language at the University of Naples, Federico II
Practice areas
- International law
- Extradition and European arrest warrant
- Narcotics Act (international drug trafficking)
- Mafia-type criminal association
- Corporate Offenses
- White Collar Crimes
- Financial crimes
- Attorney Antonio Del Vecchio
- Attorney Alexandro Maria Tirelli pf International Lawyers Associates
- Drafted appeals to the European Court of Human Rights
- Appeals before the Supreme Court of Cassation
- Italian
- English
- French
- Spanish

Danilo D’Alessio, Attorney
The lawyer Danilo D’Alessio graduated in Law in 2011 at the University of Naples, focusing in particular on legal studies on civil liability and road accidents.
Registered since 2014 in the Register of the Council of the Bar of Torre Annunziata, he continued his legal training on the subject by attending prestigious training courses and masters.
He has collaborated with prestigious law firms operating in the civil law sector: in particular he trained at the DeMartino Associati Law Firm, one of the leading professional companies in the field of road accidents and compensation for damage due to fatal accidents.
Operating for over a decade in these thematic areas, he has gained an important legal knowledge of the legislation of interest that places him among the most prepared lawyers at national and international level in this field.
He has presented and participated in numerous seminars of legal interest, publishing various articles in important forensic journals addressing, in particular, the issue of compensation for damage in cases of road accidents.
Training and Experiences
- Degree in Law from the Università degli Studi di Napoli
- Enrollment in the Register of Lawyers at the Council of the Bar Association of Torre Annunziata
Practice areas
- Compensation for damage
- Credit recovery
- Road Accidents
- Accidents at work
- De Martino & Associates Law Firm
- Italian
- English

Mario Capuano, Attorney
He holds a specialist degree in law from the Federico II University of Naples, with a thesis in Financial Law, and has been a member of the Council of the Rome Bar since 2007.
He has gained professional experience in various law firms in Rome, developing knowledge in criminal law, international criminal law and the law of criminal execution.
He has expertise in dealing with processes relating to crimes against the Public Administration, organized crime, financial crimes and against property, both in the merit and execution phases.
He has acquired consolidated experience in assisting in extradition procedures, European arrest warrant and recognition of foreign sentences for the purpose of their execution in Italy, according to the provisions of Framework Decision 2008/909/GAI.
He regularly collaborates as of Counsel with numerous and important law firms in Naples and Milan, fully managing their litigation in the judicial district of the Court of Appeal of Rome.
Training and Experiences
- Degree in Law from the University of Naples
- Specialization in Substantive and Procedural Corporate Law at the University of Salerno
- Registration in the Register of the Rome Bar Association 2008
- Higher Education in Enforcement Law at the European School of Economics
- Collaboration with Avvocato Penalista H24
Aree Tematiche
- Crimes against property
- Financial crimes
- Crimes against the Public Administration
- Organized crime
- Extraditional Procedures
- European arrest warrant
- Recognition of Foreign Sentences
- Corporate offenses
- Italiano
- Inglese

Luigi Vitiello, Engineer
Luigi Vitiello represents one of the main business development consultant figures within the Brancaccio & Esposito law firm.
Already a PhD at the Industrial Engineering department of the University of Naples Federico II, the engineer Vitiello has a 360 ° technical / managerial preparation through which he is able to range from technical / judicial consultancy in the field of complex civil and criminal proceedings up to the area of consultancy and development of business projects on behalf of the clients of Avvocato Penalista H24 law firm.
Engineer Luigi Vitiello has also played several times the role of technical consultant on behalf of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in delicate proceedings of national importance in the field of navigation law as well as being present with various publications in top-tier international scientific journals.
Since 2014, by virtue of the partnership established with the Sorrento Luxury SRL company, Vitiello has assumed the role of Business partner and technical and financial consultant (CTO and CFO) at that company as well as the role of technical director (CTO) of the company STIM SRL as well as technical consultant at the Company MV Marine SRL.
The activity of Luigi Vitiello on behalf of the law firm Avvocato Penalista H24 extends both to the area of technical / legal consultancy in the field of civil and criminal proceedings and in the business development sector, especially for the research and development of entrepreneurial projects to be implemented on behalf of Avvocato Penalista H24’s clients.
Training and Experiences
- Degree in Naval Engineering at the Università degli Studi di Napoli, Federico II
- Registration in the Roll of Engineers of Naples
- PhD. in naval, space and quality engineering
- Associate Professor in Naval Architecture
- Professor of ship geometry at the Università Federico II di Napoli
Practice areas
- Technical consultancy in the engineering field
- Business Administration
- Investments and technical area
- Italian
- English

Dr. Vincenzo Lerusce
Dr. Vincenzo Lerusce represents one of the leading national and international marketing and digital consultant figures within the legal world.
Graduated with full marks in Finance from the Federico II University of Naples, he specializes in digital marketing in the financial-legal field.
He is a young talent in issues relating to new finance (‘FinTech’) and was immediately recruited by the law firm Avvocato Penalista H24 for this opportune reason.
The activity of Dr. Lerusce on behalf of the law firm Avvocato Penalista H24 concerns the area of technical/legal consultancy in the context of proceedings concerning fraud and financial crimes of all kinds. He takes care of all the marketing and digital development part for the research and development of new strategies regarding the diffusion of Avvocato Penalista H24 brand.
Dr. Vincenzo Lerusce makes all his scientific knowledge and experience gained so far in criminal proceedings relating to money laundering, self-laundering of cryptocurrencies (such as ‘Bitcoin’) and NFT available to clients of Criminal Lawyer H24.
He represents a necessary strategic support for an international law firm that wants to keep up with modern times.
He specializes in finding evidence relating to online fraud with reference to cryptocurrencies as well as online trading. He also handles immigration paperwork for our international law firm.
Training and Experiences
- Degree in Finance from the University of Naples Federico II
- Collaboration with Criminal Lawyer H24
Practice areas
- Online Scams
- Financial Scams
- Cryptocurrency and NFT Laundering and Receiving
- Marketing and Digital Development
- Strategic Support
- Italian
- English