If you are looking for an Italian Lawyer in Dubai, you are in the right place: our international law firm provides legal assistance and advice to all entrepreneurs and companies that have decided to relocate their business to the United Arab Emirates also through a secondary office.
To undertake this new path (i.e. always feel protected if, for example, the company is already operating in Dubai), it seems advisable to be assisted by a team of international professionals who are able to guarantee 360° legal assistance to avoid run into problems that may limit your entrepreneurial growth.
Let me explain
- who we are;
- what we do;
- what are our references and why you should rely on us if you are looking for an Italian law firm in Dubai.
Indice dei contenuti
Who we are? Your Italian Lawyer in Dubai!
We are a law firm that has always had an international focus: in fact, we have always dealt with and resolved several cases abroad (especially in Dubai itself) in which our fellow citizens have found themselves in legal problems that we have brilliantly overcome.

The results we have achieved-and well reflected in the satisfaction of our clients-are the result of commitment, passion, dedication, spirit of self-sacrifice and-not least-experience in the field.
As you can see from the screenshot that I showed you above, for years we have been carrying out consultancy and legal assistance activities for Italian entrepreneurs and companies.
Our greatest victory, in fact, is the gratitude of our customers who, thanks to our work, feel protected from every point of view in the legal field.
Having a legal point of reference in a foreign land, in this case Dubai, can make all the difference in the world or rather, as reported by our client, it can make your life easier!
What do we do. Law firm in Dubai
As you will certainly understand from the photo I have attached to you above, we provide legal advice and assistance to Italian entrepreneurs who have undertaken a business in Dubai: our legal assistance is particularly specialized for clients who have undertaken a business (online or offline) and they need personalized legal protection.
When starting or managing a new business, especially in a foreign country, you must be careful not to run into legal problems that can bring down your business and all the sacrifices you have made up to that point.
It is precisely at this very delicate phase that we guarantee our support and we are close to you by ‘simplifying your life’ as an entrepreneur, just as we did for our client who thanked us sincerely.
So, if you have a legal problem in Dubai and want to rely on specialized lawyers who – as in other cases – have solved the problems of their compatriots, you can contact us for highly qualified legal advice.
All you have to do is think about growing YOUR Business, for everything else, with references to all the legal aspects of the matter, we’ll take care of it!
How does the legal advice of an Italian lawyer in Dubai work?
Once you decide to entrust us with the legal problem that afflicts you, you can take advantage of our personalized legal advice service in Dubai.
It takes place in two distinct ways.
The first way is to go to our Dubai office in the United Arab Emirates to have in-person legal advice with one of our professionals specialized in the field of interest.
In these cases it is necessary to arrange an appointment.
The second way is to take online legal advice h24 -so immediate- which can be by phone or through a video platform more familiar to you.
In both cases you need to:
- send a description of the facts explaining the problem in a clear and concise manner;
- if in your possession, send relevant documentation to our email address info@avvocatopenalistah24.it through pdf format.
Only through these two preliminary steps, we can understand if and how we can help you as well as formulate a quote for legal advice.
Once the quote has been accepted and the advance payment has been made, it is possible to undertake the consultancy process with the Italian lawyer in Dubai specialized in the topic dealt with in order to resolve the existing problem.
What does Italian lawyer in Dubai deal with?
Our assistance relates to all those legal issues that may represent an obstacle to the rise of an online business and not in the United Arab Emirates and especially in Dubai.
I’ll briefly explain all our specializations.
International Taxation in Dubai
The first thing to do when starting a business in Dubai (whether it is online or offline) is to avoid having problems with the law and especially with the Italian tax authorities: in fact, when you have a company abroad, tax inversion is around the corner and it is necessary to take precautions right away to avoid undergoing a criminal trial in Italy and therefore a conviction with attached seizure and confiscation of the money on the current account.
Seizure and confiscation that can clearly also take place in Dubai and not only in Italy.
We have already dealt with the issue of international taxation and tax inversion on our site and if you want to speak to one of our lawyers specializing in international tax evasion, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be able to give a concrete and immediate answer to your problem as has already happened with our other clients who have used our legal services.

Closely related to the topic of international taxation is that of cryptocurrencies and the various laws that have been enacted to regulate them.
Crypto and Money Laundering
The world of cryptocurrencies is, in fact, booming and nothing seems to stop it, especially in the reality of Dubai where virtual currency is now used daily and exchanged for any type of purchase of both goods and services.
Precisely the relentless development of cryptocurrencies has forced states around the world to regulate the matter legally by enacting many rules that are often difficult to understand.
The greatest risk that the holders of cryptocurrencies, wallet providers as well as the exchange platforms themselves can take is that of ending up in the dense network of money laundering and, even in this case, ending up on trial with the risk of being imposed sanctions as well as the seizure and subsequent confiscation of the money or currency in possession.
It is therefore a good idea to rely on a competent cryptocurrency lawyer so that you do not incur either criminal liability (such as money laundering, fraud, self-laundering or the improper use of Bitcoin or Eth) or tax liability by risking jail or to lose the assets accumulated over the years.
Assistance and Legal Advice for Companies in Dubai
Our international law firm in Dubai – as I have already mentioned above – mainly deals with providing legal assistance and advice to professionals and companies that have decided to start their own business (online or offline) in the United Arab Emirates.
Going more specifically and leaving out the problems related to international taxation, cryptocurrencies and – as we will see – extraditional proceedings, we are able to ensure our professional work for a series of tailor-made corporate services such as:
- creation of companies and joint ventures in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates with related tax assistance in order not to run into problems with the Guardia di Finanza and therefore the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Italy;
- internationalization of the company also by promoting the creation of secondary offices;
- legal assistance and stipulation of company contracts (agency contracts, sale or distribution, property purchase, import-export etc.);
- legal assistance and resolutions in disputes that may arise in the exercise of the company activity;
- assistance in international arbitration and escrow agreement services;
- debt collection out of court at national and international level;
- protection of intellectual property;
- legal assistance in unfair competition, protection of corporate know-how and e-commerce.
Preventive legal assistance and advice, carried out through the help of professionals, thus aims to avoid lawsuits and litigation that would, more often than not, take away time, resources and money completely unnecessarily.
Therefore, it seems appropriate for a company (or a professional) to rely on consultants who can avoid trouble from the legal point of view as well as make efforts to protect the company’s assets and know-how.
Several companies (Italian and non-Italian) have in fact already benefited from our professional services with full satisfaction, as we have been able to brilliantly solve the legal problem that arose.
Here are our references: InsideMarket, Medallion Associates, BertonConsulting, BergamascoConsulting, Seven Degrees FZ LLE, Play Lover Academy e etc.
Extradition Dubai and Red Notice Interpol
Corporate managers or big businessmen can be unjustly persecuted by their own country and often take refuge in Dubai to avoid being subjected to inhumane and degrading treatment in the event that surrender should take place in response to an extradition request.
It bears pointing out, with regard to what concerns the relationship between Italy and the United Arab Emirates, that there is an extradition treaty that indicates precisely the modalities provided for the request and surrender of persons subject to criminal proceedings or definitively convicted in Italy.
This treaty must be scrupulously observed since -otherwise- the surrender of a person to Italy (or vice versa) cannot take place.
We have been dealing with precisely these kinds of issues for years, ensuring our professional work in both extradition proceedings and Interpol Red Notice verification and removal requests.
In fact, having an international arrest warrant (thus an Interpol Red Notice) does not allow you to travel since if you are stopped at the border you will -in all probability- be immediately arrested and taken to the requesting country.
Through our legal assistance we will be able (if there are grounds for it) to avoid the risk that you may be subjected to persecution by a state for crimes you never committed or be subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment if you are unjustly taken to a prison that does not protect the rights and freedoms of individuals.
As you will notice in the resolved cases section of our site, we have repeatedly successfully helped people wanted on international arrest warrants and in Interpol Red Notice removal and revocation procedures.

Never as in these cases it seems appropriate to turn to lawyers specialized in these very delicate areas as a minimum error can really cost you dearly.
Why contact an Italian lawyer in Dubai?
As you may have understood, those mentioned above are complex, delicate matters that require particular and specific professional skills that not all lawyers possess.
It is always advisable, therefore, to rely on a competent Italian lawyer in Dubai, expert in the above-described matters, who knows the legal matter well, so that, right from the start, there is the maximum guarantee of the right of defense, arranging the most appropriate defensive strategy to the specific case.
Get in touch immediately with one of our lawyers who will explain our working method that often leads us to have great results with the same degree of satisfaction of our clients.
Why are our law firm’s clients satisfied? Why are so many customers so grateful to us?
The method of Italian lawyer in Dubai. Why choose our law firm?
Our priority is to place the client at the center of our work, to take on their concerns and fears. Opening a business in another state or being subjected to an international procedure is something that can always generate a lot of stress or anxiety.
Over the years we have well understood this circumstance and it is therefore essential right from the start to establish a relationship of trust with the client which is embodied in:
- constant information on our professional activity carried out in your exclusive interest. You will be updated step by step of what we are doing and what will happen. We will explain things to you so that you can understand the difficult language of the law;
- maximum availability: our firm is called Criminal Lawyer H24 because we are always operational 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. We are always by your side and you can always count on us. Every day at any time of day or night.
- formulation of an immediate quote with no future surprises. Each defensive choice will be previously agreed with you, you will not have any nasty surprises and you will not have to incur unexpected costs. From the beginning you will know what costs you will have to bear.
The respect for these simple rules and our preparation has led us over the years to give our customers a lot of satisfaction.
Do you want to know specifically what they say?
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Rely on an Expert Italian Lawyer in Dubai.
Click here to discover our team of international lawyers
What are the cases handled and resolved by our law firm?
Read here the cases handled and resolved by the team of the International Lawyer H24.
As you can read about our utmost dedication, our professional commitment leads, most of the time, to achieving the desired result.
Do you want to speak to one of our lawyers in person?
Where does the work of Italian lawyers in Dubai take place?
Our work takes place in major Italian cities and abroad where our registered offices are located. We guarantee our legal activity in Europe but also in the largest cities of the world such as Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
Click here to check where our offices are located.
Write to us and let us know where you contact us from, we will arrange an appointment online or at our nearest office.