Online scam consultancy: our contractual conditions


Online scam consultancy: our contractual conditions

Did you think you had invested your capital and instead you suffered a scam and now you need a lawyer for online scam consultancy? Do you want to recover your capital? You are in the right place.

We are a specialized law firm that deals with cases relating to online scams perpetrated with online trading, cryptocurrencies, mining, ponzi schemes, binary options, etc.

In this article I want to explain to you how we carry out our work and what our contractual conditions are so that you can have a clear understanding of all the methodologies and techniques that we implement to recover the capital apparently invested by you.

Finally, I want to tell you why you can trust us without any doubt: I understand that after having suffered an online scam you are burned and you need to be certain. I want to give them to you with this article. Read it all carefully.

What is the purpose of crypto online scam consultancy?

Online scam consultancy is used to make you understand how to recover the capital in the event that you have been contacted by a false trader or a false broker and now you are unable to recover the capital you thought was invested.

Within the consultancy, the specialized lawyer of our law firm (mainly the lawyer Vincenzo Ezio Esposito) will explain in detail what are the moves to be implemented to undertake the legal and investigative actions necessary for the prompt recovery of the capital.

How does the online scam consultancy work?

The consultancy requested from our law firm takes place online through a telephone call or a video call.

We prefer the video calling method (through applications such as ‘Google Meet’ or ‘Zoom’) for several reasons namely:

  • unlike in the case of the scam in which you were involved, lawyer Esposito wants to put his face to it, which the scammer certainly did not do;
  • the video call turns out to be more professional since, through the screen sharing option, it is possible to show you in detail how we actually operate and what will be our strategies that on several occasions have led us to the recovery of capital (as I will point out above);
  • having a face-to-face confrontation is definitely more reassuring and considering that you have already been burned, this makes a difference as I mentioned earlier.

We prefer that the consultation be done online and not in the office for one simple reason: being fast makes all the difference! 

We have several offices around the world, and quickly scheduling a physical consultation at one of our offices with Attorney Vincenzo Ezio Esposito can be difficult and clearly takes time. 

Time that we do not have.  

For this reason, we believe it is better to conduct a video phone consultation as quickly as possible to ensure our professional work quickly and effectively: this certainly gives us more opportunities to get to the desired result as soon as possible, that is, the recovery of the capital apparently invested.

How to request online scam consultancy with the lawyer Vincenzo Ezio Esposito?

Once you contact us through one of our communication channels, you will have an initial contact with our secretariat at the following telephone number

+39 333 52 36 896

The secretariat will explain how we work and request the sudden sending of the documentation in order to understand the feasibility of your request.

In fact, once the documentation has been sent, it will be submitted to the lawyer who – only if he evaluates the feasible case – will give the green light to the consultancy which will be set at a time to be agreed with the secretariat.

As a matter of fairness and professional seriousness, if the case is not feasible, we do not fix the consultancy because it would be useless to make you spend money for a consultancy in which the lawyer will have to inform you that the money cannot be recovered.

We, unlike scammers, put our faces forward and have everything to lose so we clearly have an interest in carrying out the work seriously so that our client can appreciate it.

How much does Crypto online scam consultancy cost?

I am sorry to tell you that the consultation with the Lawyer specialized in online scam has a high cost as the same starts from euro 497 (plus accessories provided by law) price that can even be higher in the case of more complex and articulated scams. 

The price is high for two sets of reasons. 

First, because we are a law firm, specializing in a delicate and complex subject that has required special study even in subjects not strictly of law such as online trading, Cryptocurrencies, BlockChain Analysis.

Secondly, the investigation aimed at studying the feasibility of capital recovery has a cost, which therefore must be paid because the lawyer-rightly-has to set about studying the documents sent and make the appropriate assessments. 

Before having carried out the consultancy, we cannot make a final cost estimate for a simple reason: it will be within the consultation that the lawyer will define the strategies to be applied and the total costs to be incurred.

If a thorough examination of the case is not carried out during the consultancy, it is not possible to formulate the final estimate: it will be drawn up – in a meticulous and detailed manner – after the consultancy on the basis of what will be said in the video call.

What does online scam consultancy include?

During the consultation, the lawyer explains:

  • how the scam was articulated, as many people believe they have actually made investments in online trading with a foreign company which most of the time does not correspond to reality;
  • if the money can be recovered, or if it was found in a wallet in the case in which we are talking about crypto;
  • that no taxes/commissions/deposits should be paid to the online trading company or similar companies that only aim to continue the criminal purpose;
  • what actions must be taken to undertake the recovery of capital.

All the actions recommended by the lawyer can be undertaken independently and therefore it is possible to follow the path of capital recovery without the help of any professional.

It is clear, however, that relying on a professional of reference, specialized in the field of online scams, would certainly be appropriate as he is certainly able to guarantee professional assistance that would increase the chances of recovering the capital object of the scam.

What happens after online scam consultancy?

In the event that you wish to contact us to carry out the activity following the legal consultancy, it must be paid separately and, therefore, is not included in the payment of the fee indicated for the consultancy.

This is because further work or various legal and investigative activities are required in order to embark on the path to recovering the capital.

If you wish to entrust us with the task, a detailed estimate will obviously be formulated with all the activities to be carried out.

As explained in several articles on our web page, it is essential to draw up a complete lawsuit report providing in detail all the elements necessary to arrive at the desired result.

Reporting a lawsuit is also essential for another reason.

Surely you have provided the scammer with your identification documents: you must know that they will be able to use your documents to commit other scams with your name and – beyond the damage, even the insult – you could find yourself facing criminal proceedings for scams that do not have you ever committed.

In fact, using your data, the person who will in turn be defrauded will report you who, unaware of everything, will also have to take care of the defense in a criminal trial with related costs to bear.

So it’s better to report it immediately and do it in the most correct way possible.

On the other hand, note that the investigative activity aimed at recovering the capital is carried out by an international company external to our law firm to which we turn: for example, in the case of fraud perpetrated with cryptocurrency, they will carry out the necessary activity for the recovery of the wallet where the funds apparently invested by you are allocated.

Why do we turn to an external company for online sca, investigations?

In our opinion, in order to provide a professional and complete all-round service, it is essential to contact companies that carry out investigations aimed at recovering the capital.

For example, as mentioned above, in terms of online scam in the crypto field it is essential to do a job that will hardly be carried out by the police as they are not adequately trained in this matter.

Therefore, to guarantee the possibility of recovering the capital, we try to guarantee the best services for our clients, also by relying on third parties.

Why do the Police sometimes discourage you by saying that it is not possible to recover the capital?

Unfortunately, we are unable to give an answer to this question because we do not understand the reasons why (albeit on rare occasions) some representative of the law can discourage the person from filing a detailed complaint aimed at identifying those responsible for the scam as well as capital recovery.

Probably, the person responsible for receiving the complaint is not adequately prepared on the matter and erroneously believes that it is useless to report, moreover disavowing the work that other members of the police forces, presumably more prepared, who have completed the investigations by identifying those responsible of the scams, also carrying out seizure measures adopted by the competent Public Prosecutor’s Office.

For this reason, it would be better to rely on a specialized lawyer who, when he tells you that there are possibilities to recover the capital, he does not tell you lies but he is only telling the truth.

I’ll explain why.

È possibile recuperare i soldi da una truffa on line?

As we have written in various articles on our website Avvocato Penalista H24 or said in various videos on our YouTube channel, is it possible to recover money from an online scam.

However, we come to this conclusion because there have been provisions of the Judicial Authority which have led to the dismantling of networks of false traders and the recovery of important capital.

I leave you below, for example a link:

Since it is good that you thoroughly understand what are the possibilities of recovering the capital ostensibly invested, I leave you below the articles you find on our site where -as mentioned- we explain in detail what have been the other cases of capital recovery put by law enforcement.

Understand well that -unlike you may think or like someone may discourage you- the possibilities of capital recovery are there, and without mincing words you can verify it through concrete court cases.

I leave below the links I promised you:

In online scam cases, why is it important to be prompt?

Timeliness, in online scam cases, is crucial!

This is because if we have investigations carried out by finding the capital, if too much time passes, the capital may be moved and all the investigative work needs to be redone.

Finding the capital in a timely manner means immediately including in the complaint its possible allocation in order to request immediate preventive seizure operated by law enforcement, as happened in other cases that I mentioned above and that you can find at the links I just provided.

What are the timescales to arrive at the recovery of capital?

If you entrust us with the activity to undertake for the recovery of the capital, from the moment of payment, it will take a few days to carry out all the work: it is clear that the timing varies according to the amount and complexity of the investigations to be carried out.

But one thing is certain: we will be as quick as possible because, as I told you above, timeliness makes the difference.

Once the work has been delivered, it will be filed with the competent Public Prosecutor’s Office which will, in our opinion, have all the elements to be able to request or urgently adopt the aforementioned preventive seizure to block your capital on the wallet identified for through the investigations carried out (such as in the case of the Cryptocurrency scam).

If, on the other hand, the scam took place by sending money to bank current accounts abroad, it is still possible to proceed with the seizure through the European investigation order (EAW) or the international rogatory.

Can we give you the mathematical certainty of the recovery of the capital?

The answer is no, we cannot guarantee the result and we cannot give random numbers about the success rates.

As lawyers, we must scrupulously observe the code of ethics and it prohibits – for any lawyer – from guaranteeing the result, otherwise a disciplinary sanction is envisaged for the prohibition of hoarding customers.

As mentioned at the beginning, we put our face to it and we are not scammers, we certainly cannot and certainly do not want to break the law.

After all, in the story that saw you as the protagonist, surely the false traders will have talked to you about guaranteed ‘percentages of profit’, ‘security of invested capital’, ‘mathematical certainty of profits’ and so on: it therefore appears clear that – even if I wanted to go against the law and ensure the recovery of the capital – my word would be worthless, just as the words of the false trader spoken to you before you invested a large part of your capital were worthless.

For this reason, we provide preventive advice so that you can – regardless of numbers and percentages given at random – understand that:

  • it is possible to recover the money as happened in other cases;
  • what are the most appropriate ways to take to reach the goal.

If after what I have said and the bad experience you had, you still want to feel reassured by a ‘percentage’ randomly placed by someone, it means that you have not learned your lesson and that we, with all our staff, cannot help you.

But can I trust the Criminal Lawyer H24 and the Lawyer Vincenzo ‘Ezio’ Esposito?

The answer of course is YES, without a doubt and I offer you proof of that.

In the first place, the name of Avvocato Esposito is found in the list of members of the Council of the Bar Association of Torre Annunziata which can be consulted at the following link:
Avvocato Esposito Vincenzo Albo

Secondly, the name of Avvocato Esposito is included in the national register of lawyers which can be consulted at the following link:
Online scam consultancy Esposito Vincenzo

Thirdly, it is possible to find the VAT number associated with the professional activity of the lawyer on the website of the Revenue Agency which can be reached at the following link:

Agenzia delle Entrate – Verifica partita Iva

Avvocato Esposito Vincenzo VAT

Fourthly, the name of the lawyer Esposito has appeared in various national and non-national newspapers for cases of significant media interest.

It is possible to consult what has just been mentioned at the following link address which leads to the page relating to the press review on our website:

Therefore, you understand well that he is a serious and nationally esteemed professional, who holds all the necessary certifications and registrations so that you can feel comfortable entrusting your practice to our law firm.

What happens if you entrust the practice to our law firm?

Once you have decided – after carrying out the consultancy – to also entrust the subsequent practice to our law firm, a detailed estimate of all the activity that will be carried out will be formulated and, once the payment has been made, within a few days, we will process the request.

We will send the material to be deposited to the Reports Office of the Public Prosecutor’s Office set up at the competent Court or at the Postal Police in your city.

Depositata la denuncia querela ti rilasceranno un verbale di ratifica ove viene attestato il deposito dell’atto (se il deposito avviene alle forze dell’ordine) ovvero occorre chiedere copia della certificazione di deposito pagando i rispettivi diritti mediante marca da bollo di circa 4 euro (se il deposito avviene all’ufficio denuncia della Procura della Repubblica).

Final considerations.

We fully understand that you may be disappointed and embittered about what happened to you: often these cursed scammers take away your life savings in a few days and this really hurts.

We know very well that it is hard to move on, and we are here to help you by putting all our legal and IT knowledge at your disposal in order to promptly recover the capital.

As you may have gathered from reading this article, we are here to help you and, as represented above, you can undoubtedly trust us.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with our team of experts contact us immediately!!!

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